Weltevreden Park Primary School

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Our Mission

"Growth in Harmony" - With a dedicated and professional staff and a committed parent body, W.P.P.S. strives to provide quality education and develop social skills through maximum involvement, self discipline and effort.

Welties Pre-Primary

Please Note: Enrolments for Grade R open on Monday 29 April 2024. 

**NB**  As Grade 1 is an online application process through the GDE, please note that learners who attend the pre-school are not guaranteed a place when enrolling for Grade 1.

Forms can be collected from Mrs Crouch, or alternatively can be downloaded on the link below:

Grade R - Application form 2025.pdf

Once enrolment forms have been completed, they must be handed in at the office. Completed application forms may not be emailed.  


The Welties Grade 0 Centre opened their doors on 14 January 1997. 
Mrs Melinda Derichs was appointed first principal of the pre-school.

The name was changed in 2000 to Welties Pre-School.

At the end of 2020, Mrs Derichs retired, and the process of registering the pre-school to become part of the Primary school began.  We are now registered with the GDE and fall under the care of WPPS.



We have four Grade ‘R’ classes with 27 learners in a class, totaling 108 learners in the school.

Learners are 5 turning 6; or 4 turning 5 before 30 June in their Grade ‘R’ year.


With a dedicated and professional staff, we strive to:

  • To provide a structured and disciplined environment in which we can educate our learners using a holistic approach.

  • To guide and motivate learners to achieve their full potential mentally, emotionally, socially and physically.

  • To provide our learners with the spectrum of perceptual skills needed to cross over into the formal learning situation at Weltevreden Park Primary School.

  • To provide a variety of well managed additional developmental opportunities.

  • To provide quality teaching in accordance with the GDE syllabus.


Our school fees are R 2 650.00 a month, payable over 10 Months. 

First instalment due 01 February 2025, and the final instalment due on 01 November 2025.


Full Payment by no later than 31 December 2024 = R23 850 per child


07h30 - 13h00.  No Aftercare.


Contact Us

Telephone Number 011 679 5625 (Ext. 8) 
Physical Address 15 Krinkhout Avenue
Weltevreden Park
Email Address preschool@welties.org.za

Quick Links

Our Staff

Mr J. Van Dyk

Mrs R. Singh

Mrs J. Wild

Mrs R. Dolamo
Grade Head

Mrs K. Viljoen

Miss J. Badenhorst

Miss K. Ngubane

Mrs T. Themba
Teacher Assistant

Miss E. Motshwaedi
Teacher Assistant

Mrs M. Rapatsa
Cleaner and Office Assistant

Mr W. Shidzinga

Mr R. Chauke